if you want to moudle wise permission to user in symfony
its work in symfony 1.4 and sfDoctrineGuardPlugin 5.0
add permission (permssion name is credential name)
and group (group name is module name)
now create one filterfile (filterfile add in /apps/appname(frontend|backend)/lib) folder
class groupcheckFilter extends sfFilter
public function execute($filterChain)
// Filters don't have direct access to the request and user objects.
// You will need to use the context object to get them
$context = $this->getContext();
$request = $context->getRequest();
$user = $context->getUser();
$user_group = $user->getGroupNames();
echo $module = $context->getModuleName();
//secure file in default folder so bellow if condition and redirect path
if (!in_array($module,$user_group) && $module != 'default')
return $context->getController()->redirect('/default/secure/');
}else {
// Execute next filter
file save with groupcheckfilter.class.php
in app.yml file add bellow line after security: or # insert your own filters here
class: groupcheckFilter